Loyola College Prep uses our Blackbaud Student Information System for student athletic forms. Once a student joins a team, the athletics department will determine if all required forms are on file and if there is an existing physical on file and when it expires. Athletics will send a notice to the student and parent that they have forms to complete in their Blackbaud. The parent and student can then log into Blackbaud and complete the indicated forms. You can also complete the form to the right to request the forms be assigned in Blackbaud or inquire about an athlete's physical expiration date.
Any questions about a student's eligibility should be directed to the Athletic Director at 318-226-6327 or [email protected].
How to complete forms instruction sheet
Will be completed on the Loyola Blackbaud Portal
(Note: Returning athletes have already completed the first 4 forms and the school has them on file. We will only need the physical updated annually and the Off Campus form if applicable to your student.)
Will be emailed to the athletics department at [email protected].
Print Blank PHYSICAL/Medical Form
If you have any questions while completing your paperwork, please contact Jessica Smith at 318-226-6290 or j[email protected] for assistance.
Students who leave the Loyola campus to attend 4th/7th hour Physical Education at the Loyola Athletic Complex will need to have a permission form completed and signed by a parent. Please submit the form above to request the form be assigned or email [email protected].
The form is valid for both semesters if completed at the beginning of the year. Second semester students will need to complete the form prior to the first day of the second semester.
Students who participate in an activity not offered as a PE course for physical education credit such as gymnastics, equestrian, etc must complete the Off-Campus Physical Education Application. Please contact the registrar's office at [email protected] for more information and to request the application packet.
This paperwork is required to be notarized. The school does have a staff notary.
Loyola College Prep is now offering an injury tracking system called Healthy Roster. Please fill out the following information to be connected to Loyola’s Athletic Trainer, Chris Campbell. Once you receive the invitation from Healthy Roster please make an account. Afterwards you will have full access to injury evaluations, updates, treatments, and rehabs done with your athlete.