Announcements for Friday, March 11, 2022 - Today is an A day.
TODAY IS JOHN CROFTON DAY AT LCP - Todaywe will show our support for Max Crofton and his family with a free dress day. We are asking for donations of $5 or more. (Donations will be collected at the beginning of first period.) All proceeds will go directly to the Crofton family. As many of you may know, Max’s father, John, received a heart transplant this week. We continue to lift John, Max and their entire family up in our prayers as they face a long road to recovery.
If you’d like to learn more about John’s story, click here. The following guidelines should be followed:
Pants and shorts must fit at the natural waist.
Hemlines of shorts must be visible below shirts and fall below girls' fingertips when their hands are at their sides
Joggers are fine
No holes in pants or jeans
Sleeveless shirts are acceptable, as long as they are not “tank tops” or do not have spaghetti straps and bra straps are not showing.
No leggings
Tops don’t have to be tucked in, but they may not be too low cut at the neckline and must not expose the midriff.
No flip flops
Course selections for the 2022-2023 school year are due on Thursday, March 17. Please make sure you go into your my school app to complete the process. If you need help with this process or have questions concerning your potential schedule, just email Ms. Hymel.
There will be a Mass in the student chapel at 7:15 am on Tuesday, March 15. All faculty and students are welcome to attend.
Track Meet Results - Congratulations to Izzy Black for 2nd place in high jump, Max Crofton 2nd in javelin, Emmaline Drummond 2nd in 300 hurdles, Erin Campbell 2nd in the 800, Tyler Hornsby 2nd in the 800, Aidan Heard 2nd in the 1 mile, Tyler Hornsby, Warren Graves, Cole Adair and Tripp Roemer 2nd in the 4x800 meter relay, Erin Campbell, Kate Fortune, Emily G. Anderson and Emmaline Drummond 3rd in the 4x800 meter relay, Julia Hancock 3rd in javelin, Tripp Roemer 3rd in the 1 mile at the Mansfield Wolverine Relays!
Congrats to the Lady Flyers Softball team who defeated the Green Oaks Giants yesterday 20-5 in district play.The Flyers will be back at home Tuesday March 15 against Saline at 4:30. Make plans to come and cheer on the Flyer Softball team.
The Varsity lacrosse game against Byrd has been moved to 7:30pm on Saturday, March 12 at Byrd High School due to expected inclement weather on Friday night. Please come out and support Loyola lacrosse!
Varsity baseball beat Calvary 4-3!William Soignier pitched a complete game striking out 4. Varsity plays Southwood tonight at 6 and Saturday at noon at home.
SGA Elections … Prepare for Take-off!Attention students interested in running for an SGA office next year! An interest meeting for the Executive Board Candidates is Friday, March 18 during the second half of homeroom in room B3. An interest meeting for the Class Office Candidates will be Wednesday, April 6 during lunch in the Gym. Please check your email for the “Flight Plan” and more information on how you can run as a candidate.
FAiTH officer applications are due by Thursday March 17th. All rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to apply. The applications can be found in the main office, Ms Hymel’s office, from the religion teachers, or one of the chairmen.
Rising 10th and 11th graders:increase your reading speed and comprehension, increase your writing, vocab, and textbook skills. Summer online Zoom classes are available, once a week for 6 weeks. Contact LSU Online and Continuing Education at 800-715-1498 to sign up.
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 03.14-03.18.2022. - The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up.
Service Hour Opportunity - St. Joseph's School will be hosting an alumni event and they need volunteers to help with setting up. Volunteers are needed to help move and set up tables at the Family Life Center at St. Joseph's School at11:00 AM on April 23rd. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Kay Nader at [email protected] .
Service Hour Opportunity - The Muses Book Bazaar at Centenary College needs volunteers to help organize, shelve books, and assist customers on March 25th and 26th. There are multiple shifts available. If you are interested, please sign up in the Loyola office.
Parent Announcements
Registration Deadline Approaching
The deadline to register for the 2022-2023 school year is Tuesday, March 15. Financial Aid applications are due at this time also. After the15th, the registration fee will increase to $500. Please call the Registrar's office with any questions at 226-6284.
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 03.14-03.18.2022. - The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up.