Announcements for Monday, November 15, 2021 - Today is a B day.
Homerooms, get your game-plan together! The FAiTH toy drive homeroom competition is happening from now through Friday, November 19. The winning homeroom needs to have at least 1 toy turned in for each student in the homeroom, as well as the highest number of toys brought in. Students in the winning homeroom will each receive a gift card for a Cane's Box meal AND a gift card for a quesadilla from Dillas!!! Turn in your toys to your homeroom teacher any day between now and the 19th! Help an under privileged child have a new toy for Christmas!
The Lady Flyers soccer team won 5-0 this weekend against Benton at the Scrimmage Fest with goals by Kennedy Jarrett and Madelyn Van Devender. Way to go girls!! Come see the Flyers take on Alexandria tonight at Messmer at 5:30pm. Let’s get that next win!!
Girls Basketball takes on Plain Dealing tonight at home. Let's go Flyers!
The Loyola Cross Country Team will be competing in the State Meet at NSU in Natchitoches tomorrow. Representing the girls - Aidan Heard, Kate Fortune, Bridget John, Caroline Henry, Mary Walker, Sarah Roppolo, and Maeve Chmielewski. Representing the boys- Tripp Roemer, Jonah Drouillard, Mark Henry, Warren Graves, Jackson Drouillard, Elliot White, and Jackson McNeill. Good luck at State Flyers!
Service Hour Opportunity - The Food Bank of Northwest Louisiana is in need of 20 volunteers on Thanksgiving morning to assist with their Turkey Trot 5K. If you are interested, please sign up in the link below:
Service Hour Opportunity - Christmas in Roseland is in need of volunteers for various stations this year throughout the holiday season. Shifts are from 5:30 - 7:30 PM and 7:30 - 9:30 PM. If you are interested, please sign up in the Loyola office. DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS FRIDAY.
A Thanksgiving Message from SGA
Loyola Family,
With Thanksgiving approaching we are filled with thoughts of turkey, pumpkin pie, and dressing. It is a time for us to reflect on our lives, but also give to others in our community. SGA, partnering with Catholic Charities of North Louisiana, is sponsoring a food drive from Tuesday, November 9th until Monday, November 15th. The food gathered will go through to Catholic Charities of North Louisiana to support them throughout the Thanksgiving season. We are asking for the below items to be placed in the cardboard boxes that will be located outside of the main office and gym lobby. Thank you in advance for your support to our community during his holiday season.
Canned Meat
Canned Fish
Canned Soup
Canned Fruit
Peanut Butter
Canned Vegetables
Baby Food
Thank you for your support and generosity, and we wish you the best Thanksgiving,
SGA Executive Board
Parent Announcements
Coats for Kids - Now through WEDNESDAY, Porter's Cleaners will be collecting donations of new & gently used coats. There is a drop-off box located in the Loyola office. Last year, with your help, Coats for Kids was able to distribute 1500 coats across our cities!
The LPA Directories are available to be picked up in the Anderson Building if you have not already gotten yours. Directories may be picked up in the Anderson Building. If your student will be picking it up, let them know to come before or after school or during lunch to pick up your directory. The Anderson Building hours are Monday through Thursday 7:30 am – 3:30 pm and Fridays 7:30 am - 3:00 pm.