Announcements for Thursday, January 26, 2023 - Today is an A day.
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 01.30.2023 – 02.04.2023. The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up. Due to our vendor agreement with our Cafe provider, fast food or delivery are not allowed. Lunch should either be ordered from the Cafe, or brought from home. No exceptions.
FAITH ON FIRE MEMBERS!TODAY during the second half of lunch there will be a meeting in Ms. Brown's room to prepare for Catholic Schools Week. Please be present in Room R204 during the second half of lunch!
Girls soccer tonight at Messmer at 6:00PM vs. Shreve. Varsity plays first followed by JV.
The Loyola Doghouse will be set up this Friday, January 27 beginning at 5:30pm and remaining open during both the boys' and girl's basketball games. We will be selling LCP t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and other spirit items. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted. All proceeds will benefit the Loyola Lacrosse teams for their 2023 season and your support is greatly appreciated!!
This is the last week for Orientation Student Leader applications for the 2023 school year. Students can complete the application using the following link:
Submitted applications are due on Friday, January 27th at 7:45am. Please contact Coach Andy for any questions.
There will be a quiz bowl meeting in the biology lab, during the first half of lunch today.
Service Hour Opportunity - Volunteers are needed for The Arc Caddo-Bossier's GREAT Program. This program is dedicated to building unlimited opportunities for people with disabilities through equine assisted services. The GREAT Program's Camp Victory will need volunteers for the spring session: January 30 - April 28 (T/W/TH). Any hours you could help out would be appreciated. If you are interested in helping, please email [email protected]
The Loyola Drama Club presents "Harvey" the play at the Catholic Center, 3500 Fairfield Ave Shreveport, LA 71104. Thursday, January 26th at 7:00pm Saturday, January 28th at 7:00pm Sunday, January 29th at 2:00pm Tickets are $8 if purchased online on MySchoolBucks or $10 at the door Parent Announcements
LPA NEEDS YOUR HELP! The LPA is in need of a temperature-controlled work room/storage area to make and to store all of our fabulous Flyer decorations that we use at our school events. The current space that we have been using no longer has a working air conditioner, and it has leaking pipes. If you have a space that you are willing to share with us, please contact Jordan Harris at (318) 226-6296, or email at [email protected].
The Loyola Doghouse will be set up this Friday, January 27 beginning at 5:30pm and remaining open during both the boys' and girl's basketball games. We will be selling LCP t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and other spirit items. Cash, checks and credit cards will be accepted. All proceeds will benefit the Loyola Lacrosse teams for their 2023 season and your support is greatly appreciated!!