Announcements for February 26, 2024 -Today is an A day
TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 27, all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, as well as 5 seniors, will be involved in PreACT and ACT District testing and will report to school. (If you are not one of the 5 seniors who has opted to take the ACT in order to better your score, you will not need to come to school at all on February 27). There will be no classes on that date. Students will only be involved in testing, and all will be dismissed at approximately noon.Keep in mind that school will be in session for ALL (including seniors) on Monday, February 26, and attendance will be taken.
Softball plays at Red River today at 4:30PM.
Baseball (FR/JV) vs. Northwood today at Cicero Field beginning at 5:00PM.
Orientation Leader Applications for next year are now open. Please complete the following application: Applications are due on March 1st by 2:30.
Divine Mercy Chaplet will be said during the first half of lunch every Friday during the remainder of Lent.
Loyola Drama Club is producing a one act version of The Girl in the Mirror, by Bruce Jacoby. The show will perform at St. John's Multiroom on Friday, March 1 at 6:00 PM, and Sunday, March 3 at 2:00 PM. Admission is free, but donations to the Loyola Drama Club are welcome!
Girl in the Mirror - Cast Member Bouquets
Would you like to surprise your favorite cast member with flowers after their performance, but you’re worried you’ll forget or run out of time? Don’t stress! We’ve got you covered! You can pre-purchase a mini-floral bouquet for your thespian and pick it up at St John Berchman’s before each performance! Let them know they did an amazing job while helping raise money for the Drama Club through this fundraiser! Click this link to pre-purchase flowers now! Flowers will be available for pick up until 5 minutes before the play starts.
There will be one last spirit night fundraiser for the upcoming senior trip to Europe. It will be on Tuesday, 2/27 at Dillas on Pierremont from 11 AM - 8 PM, so the kids can get it for lunch after the ACT or for dinner that night. If students order online, they need to use the promo code "SPIRIT," and if they go in person, they need to mention that they are there with the Loyola fundraiser at checkout.
There will be a youth game night on March 6th from 6-7:15 pm at the SJB Parish Hall.
Are you a writer of poetry, a creator of art, or a composer of music? Do you want to be published? LYRA is accepting submissions now through March 1. Please send your original work to [email protected]. See Ms. Franks for additional information.
There will be a retreat presented at the Catholic Center on March 8 & 9 with best-selling author and motivational speaker, Immaculee. If you would like to attend, please see the attachment for more details and registration info.
St Joseph Seminary Come and See Vocations Retreat weekend will be held the weekend of March 22-24 at St Joseph Seminary, Covington LA.This retreat is open to young men ages 15-25. .Leading this spring’s retreat will be Father Raney Johnson and Father Kelby Tingle. For more information and registration details go to .This retreat is provided free of charge. Lodging, meals, and transportation are provided. Registration deadline is February 29th.
Service Hour Opportunity -LCP Volunteers needed for the Immaculee Retreat on Friday March 8th and Saturday, March 9th at the Catholic Center, 3500 Fairfield Avenue 71101. Help is needed with setup, welcome, greet, crowd flow, carpool assistance, etc. There will be two talks each day, a bookstore, Saturday morning mass, book signing and refreshments daily.
Shifts are as follows: Friday, March 8th - 4:00 pm - 7:30 PM, Saturday, March 9th - 7:15 AM Mass 7:00 / 7:30 - 10:30 AM, 10-30 AM - Noon, Monday, March 4th is the deadline for signup. The talk is free for student volunteers. Contact Rishea Richards [email protected], (318) 422-2697 to volunteer.
Service Hour Opportunity - The Shreveport Bar Foundation is looking for a student to film and edit a short commercial for marketing purposes. Please contact Mrs. Clark for more information.
Service Hour Opportunity - Diane Chudley of Luv Michael volunteer program would like to set up a Zoom call meeting with students for Tuesday, March 5th @ 6pm. This would be a chance for them to know more about the program and ask any questions they may have. She will be sending the Zoom link soon which Ms. Barker will then share with you all. Please, encourage students to attend the Zoom call along with Ms. Barker if they are interested in helping Luv Michael.
*Luv Michael, a 501c3 that supports meaningful work for autistic adults, has a nationally recognized volunteer program where your students can learn about autism, support autism acceptance, and make a difference in their community. The volunteer program is 100% digital and service hours can be earned from anywhere. We would appreciate your support for autism acceptance and encouraging your students to learn more about us and consider volunteering.
Service Hour Opportunity - The Overton Brooks VA Employee Association is hosting an Easter egg hunt on March 23, 2024 from 8:30 - 12:00 for children ages 0-10 years old. (Overton Brooks VA Medical Center, 510 E. Stoner Avenue, Shreveport). They need assistance with food distribution, leading egg hunters, face painting, leading games and craft projects. If you would like to assist, please contact Laura Maxwell at 318-990-5081.
Service Hour Opportunity -St. John Berchmans is looking for reliable student volunteers for their Vacation Bible School - Scuba, Divining into Friendship with God from Monday, June 3rd through Friday, June 7th. Students are needed to lead Crews of five children throughout the morning, help create video content, and volunteer where needed. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Sarah Romanski, Director of Faith Formation at [email protected].
Parent Announcements
TOMORROW, Tuesday, February 27, all freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, as well as 5 seniors, will be involved in PreACT and ACT District testing and will report to school. (If you are not one of the 5 seniors who has opted to take the ACT in order to better your score, you will not need to come to school at all on February 27). There will be no classes on that date. Students will only be involved in testing, and all will be dismissed at approximately noon. Keep in mind that school will be in session for ALL (including seniors) on Monday, February 26, and attendance will be taken.
There will be one last spirit night fundraiser for the upcoming senior trip to Europe. It will be on Tuesday, 2/27 at Dillas on Pierremont from 11 AM - 8 PM, so the kids can get it for lunch after the ACT or for dinner that night. If students order online, they need to use the promo code "SPIRIT," and if they go in person, they need to mention that they are there with the Loyola fundraiser at checkout.
There will be a retreat at the Catholic Center on March 8 & 9 with best-selling author and motivational speaker, Immaculee. For more information and registration details, please see the attachment.
NEW Loyola Rosary Group - During the Lenten season the Rosary Group will hold a Joyful Mysteries Moderate Floor Workout led by certified Rosary core instructor, Allyson Lawson on Monday Mornings at 8 AM beginning 2/26 in the Volleyball Lounge located in the GYM. Join us as we integrate the prayers of the Rosary with core strengthening, stretching and movements to nourish the body and cultivate inner peace.
Please meet in the office at 8 AM on Mondays & bring an exercise mat.
For more information, please contact Brandi Gaitan at (318) 510-3138. Prayer requests may be submitted through the form here - Requests are anonymous.