Announcements for March 20, 2024 -Today is an A day.
Lacrosse Senior Night is Thursday - Come support our Senior Lacrosse players in their last home game this Thursday night at 7:00pm. Admission for students is free with your student ID. All Loyola students who arrive before the start of the game and are present in the 4th quarter will be eligible for a drawing for a $100 gift card.
Baseball will play a doubleheader (V) tonight vs. Lakeside beginning at 5:00PM at Cicero Field. *This is a change from the original schedule.
Girls golf today at Huntington at 3:00PM.
Outdoor Track will compete in the Bearkat Relays today. Good luck, Flyers!
Prom will be held at Loyola on Saturday April 6, 8-10pm.
Freshman SGA will be hosting a March Madness competition today and tomorrow where students enter in a filled out bracket at lunch along with $2. Printable brackets can be found in your emails. Participants with the most accurate bracket will win a prize and the grade with the most participation gets a free Dress Day!
There will be an interest meeting for underclassmen interested in restarting the LCP Chess Club. The meeting will be during the second half of lunch Friday March 22 in room 100.
Applications for the Flyer Alumni Association and St. Vincent's Academy Alumnae Association are now being accepted for the 2024-25 school year. Visit to apply. The application deadline for both scholarships is April 5, 2024.Applications may be turned in to the Anderson Building or sent to the email address listed on the application forms.
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 03.25-03.29.2024. The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up. Due to our vendor agreement with our Cafe provider, fast food or delivery are not allowed. Lunch should either be ordered from the Cafe, or brought from home. No exceptions.
Divine Mercy Chaplet will be said during the first half of lunch every Friday during the remainder of Lent.
Service Hour Opportunity - EMBRACE GRACE is looking for several volunteers to help set up and decorate for a baby shower. Join Embrace Grace this Saturday 23rd at 10 am in the cathedral parish hall. Set up and decorating start at 10 am, the event starts at 11:30 pm, and clean up is at 1:30 pm. Contact Ms. Barker soon for more details.
Service Hour Opportunity - The Caddo Council on Aging's second annual Brunch and Bingo at East Ridge Country Club will be on Saturday, April 6th. Volunteers will be needed from 9:45AM - 1:30PM to help act as ushers, spotters, assisting board members, and delivering prizes to tables. For additional information/to sign up, please call Janet Pringle at 318-458-2196 by March 29th.
Service Hour Opportunity - Volunteers are needed for the Crush-EndoEndometriosis Awareness and Support Walk/Run; The event will be held March 23rd from 9:00AM - 12:00PM at Columbia Park , 600 Columbia Street Shreveport. For more information contact 318-673-6950 or visit the Shreveport Police Department Facebook page to see how you can help.
Service Hour Opportunity - The Overton Brooks VA Employee Association is hosting an Easter egg hunt on March 23, 2024 from 8:30 - 12:00 for children ages 0-10 years old. (Overton Brooks VA Medical Center, 510 E. Stoner Avenue, Shreveport). They need assistance with food distribution, leading egg hunters, face painting, leading games and craft projects. If you would like to assist, please contact Laura Maxwell at 318-990-5081.
Parent Announcements
Flyer Fans, TOMORROW is our first Athletics Giving Day. This is your chance to come together and support your favorite team! Click here to make your donation!
Baseball will play a doubleheader (JV/V) tonight vsLakeside beginning at 5:00PM at Cicero Field. *This is a change from the original schedule.
NEW Loyola Rosary Group - During the Lenten season the Rosary Group will hold a Rosary Moderate Floor Workout led by certified Rosary core instructor, Allyson Lawson on Monday Mornings at 8 AM in the Volleyball Lounge located in the GYM. Join us as we integrate the prayers of the Rosary with core strengthening, stretching and movements to nourish the body and cultivate our inner peace.
Please meet in the office at 8 AM on Mondays & bring an exercise mat.
*Our small rosary group will also continue to meet on Wednesdays in the Residence Chapel at 1:30 pm and if the weather is beautiful we will likely gather outside. All are welcome.
For more information, please contact Brandi Gaitan at (318) 510-3138. Prayer requests may be submitted through the form here - Requests are anonymous.