Announcements for Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - Today is a B day.
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 04.11.2022-04.15.2022. - The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up. Due to our vendor agreement with our cafe provider, fast food or delivery are not allowed. Lunch should either be ordered from the cafe, or brought from home. No exceptions.
Congratulations to the boys and girls tennis teams on their wins over Calvary yesterday. The boys won 6-2 with Sanders Graf, Emery Boniol, Brannigan Bissell, Ravi Ahuja, Patrick Gooszen, Charles Valiulis, Tripp Roemer and Collier White all winning their matches. The girls won 4-2 with Mary Elberson, Taylor Nash, Julia Hancock, Katelyn Pavlick, Audrey Dufrene and Lillie Hutlas all winning their matches.
Johns Hopkins School of Engineering will be offering Explore Engineering Innovation (a pre-college program) at BPCC (Bossier Parish Community College) this summer. July 5 - July 29 are the dates, Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. Visit for more info, or pick up a brochure in the office. Both 'in person' and 'online' options are available.
SGA Elections … Prepare for Take-off! An interest meeting for the Class Office Candidates will be TODAYduring lunch in the Gym. Please check your email for the “Flight Plan” and more information on how you can run as a candidate.
The Varsity lacrosse team will play Caddo Magnet this Thursday, April 7 at 5:30pm. The JV team will play at 7:30pm. Our Senior players will be recognized prior to the Varsity game. Come out and support your Loyola Flyers Lacrosse Teams at their last regular games of the season.
Service Hour Opportunity - Looking for volunteers to work the Eden Garden Soar Like an Eagle 5K race Saturday 4/9 @ Pierremont Oaks Tennis Club. Please sign up via link!
Service Hour Opportunity - Volunteers are needed for The Arc Caddo-Bossier's GREAT Program. This program is dedicated to building unlimited opportunities for people with disabilities through equine assisted services. The GREAT Program's Camp Victory will need volunteers for two sessions: Session 1: June 6 - 10 and Session 2: June 13 - 17. Both sessions are from 8:00am - 12:00pm daily. If you are interested in helping, please email [email protected]
Service Hour Opportunity -
Service Hour Opportunity for former St. Joseph's Students - St. Joseph's Catholic School needs volunteers to help out at field day on Friday, May 6th. Volunteers will need to arrive by 7:30 and stay for the entire event. You must have been an SJS student and have a (C) average or better in all classes. You must also have parent permission. If you have a test on that date you must take the test during the normal class time. If you would like to volunteer, please sign up in the Loyola office.
Service Hour Opportunity - Ochsner LSU Health is getting ready for their 2nd annual family 5K on May 14 at the St Mary campus and is in need of volunteers. Sign up here to help -
Service Hour Opportunity - St. Joseph's School will be hosting an alumni event and they need volunteers to help with setting up. Volunteers are needed to help move and set up tables at the Family Life Center at St. Joseph's School at11:00 AM on April 23rd. If you are interested in helping out, please contact Kay Nader at [email protected] .
Parent Announcements
The LPA will host its monthly meeting TODAY at the Catholic Center (3500 Fairfield Ave.) at 12:00. The LPA hopes to see you there!
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 04.11.2022-04.15.2022. - The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up. Due to our vendor agreement with our cafe provider, fast food or delivery are not allowed. Lunch should either be ordered from the cafe, or brought from home. No exceptions.