Announcements for April 16, 2024 -Today is a B day.
Tennis Regionals Results Day One - Congratulations to all of our team members! Keller Brown is in the semi-finals for boys singles.Ravi Ahuja/Sanders Graf and Jack Budziszewski/Carter Doyal are in the semi-finals for boys doubles. Mary Elberson is in the semi-finals for girls singles.Mae Graf/Kathryn Elberson and Sadie Green/Cassidy Kirk are in the semi-finals for girls doubles.The semi-finals are Today at 8:00 with the finals to follow.
The team championship is still up for grabs between Loyola and Calvary. Today's matches will determine the outcome. Go Flyers!
If you would like to run for Chess Club officer for the 24-25 school year, please email Mr. Pachankis by Friday April 19.
Anyone who did not play football last season, but is interested in playing this upcoming yearMUST talk to Coach Sella before spring practice begins on April 29 in order to be able to play.
The National Honor Society new member induction ceremony has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 18th after Mass.
Happy Belly’s will be coming to Loyola FRIDAY (3/19/24). Cash and card will be accepted.
Any student who takes private lessons on a "wind instrument," "stringed instrument", including guitar, or piano, and would like information on trying out for the Louisiana All-State Band, Orchestra, or Guitar ensemble, please see Ms. Hymel for details.
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 04.22-04.26.2024. The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up. Due to our vendor agreement with our Cafe provider, fast food or delivery are not allowed. Lunch should either be ordered from the Cafe, or brought from home. No exceptions.
There will be LYRA meetings today and Wednesday at lunch in room 103.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Flyer Alumni Association’s first Pickleball Tournament April 19-21! Students and parents are BOTH encouraged to participate. Click here to register.
Service Hour Opportunity for former FBCS Students -FBCS is looking for 20 First Baptist alumni to help out at Field Day, Friday, May 10th from 8:00-12:30. You must have a C or better in all courses and must have parent permission emailed to Mrs. Watts at [email protected].Click here to sign up!
Service Hour Opportunity for former SJB Students- SJB's field day will be Friday, May 10 from 8 to 11:30 and volunteers are needed. You must have a C or better in all courses and must have parent permission emailed to Mrs. Watts at [email protected]. A sign up sheet will be located in the front office.
Service Hour Opportunity for former SMCS Students -St. Mark's Cathedral School Field Day 2024 is looking for volunteers for Friday, May 3rd. Volunteers should arrive at the locker rooms (Thornhill) by 7:30 AM for instructions and setup. ALL student volunteers should plan to stay until everything is cleaned up (approximately 12 noon) . Hours will NOT be handed out until everything is cleaned up.You must have a C or better in all courses and must have parent permission emailed to Mrs. Watts at [email protected]. Click here to sign up!
Service Hour Opportunity for former SJS Students - St. Joseph's needs volunteers for their field day which will be held on May 10th from 8:00am - 12:00pm. Volunteers will need to report to Messmer Stadiumbetween 7:30-7:45. Preferably no later than 7:45! You must have a C or better in all courses and must have parent permission emailed to Mrs. Watts at [email protected]. A sign up sheet will be located in the front office.
Service Hour Opportunity for former Southfield Students - Southfield needs volunteers for their field day which will be held on April 26th from 7:30 - 12:30. You must have a C or better in all courses and must have parent permission emailed to Mrs. Watts at [email protected]. A sign up sheet will be located in the front office.
Parent Announcements
The National Honor Society new member induction ceremony has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 18th after Mass.
Senior Parents- Don’t forget to fill out your blue Casino Night form and turn it in to the office. Forms and payment are due April 17th.
Don’t forget to sign up for the Flyer Alumni Association’s first Pickleball Tournament April 19-21! Students and parents are BOTH encouraged to participate. Click here to register!
Loyola Rosary Group - The Rosary Group will be praying for the Senior Class of 2024. We welcome any senior parents who would like to join us in the weeks ahead as we pray for their students.
Join us for Monday Morning Rosary Workouts at 8 AM in the Volleyball Lounge and Rosary Prayer Group Wednesdays at 1:30pm in the Resident's Chapel or outside if the weather is nice. Next Monday, the 22nd will be the last rosary workoutmeeting for the year! Remember to please meet in the office first to sign in. Prayer requests may be submitted through the form here - Requests are anonymous. Contact Brandi Gaitan (318)510-3138 with questions.