Announcements for May 14, 2024 -Today is an A day.
AP Exams Today - AP English Grammar & Comp - 8:00 AM, AP Physics - 12:00
Exam Schedule for Next Week: On schedule exams will be next Monday and Tuesday.
Mondaywill be Math (8:00 - 9:15) then Social Studies (9:30 - 10:45) Tuesday will be English (8:00 - 9:15) then Science (9:30 - 10:45) *If you become ill, the makeup day will be Wednesday (and Thursday if needed) beginning at 8:00. You must have a doctor's note if you need to take makeup exams.
If you are interested in playing soccer next year and did not participate this past year, please email Coach Wes Kyle at [email protected] .
Deadline for underclassmen to turn in service hours for the semester is May 23rd at noon.Hours earned after this time will be credited to next semester. Please remember, no hours will be accepted via email.
Are you interested in running cross country for Loyola and being part of the legacy? If so, please stop by to visit Coach Villalba this week to get more information or email him if interested ([email protected])
Service Hour Opportunity -St. John Berchmans is looking for reliable student volunteers for their Vacation Bible School - Scuba, Divining into Friendship with God from Monday, June 3rd through Friday, June 7th. Students are needed to lead Crews of five children throughout the morning, help create video content, and volunteer where needed. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Sarah Romanski, Director of Faith Formation at [email protected].
Parent Announcements
Deadline for underclassmen to turn in service hours for the semester is May 23rd at noon.Hours earned after this time will be credited to next semester. Please remember, no hours will be accepted via email.