Announcements for Tuesday, October 17, 2023 - Today is an A day.
The sophomores will be taking the PSAT today. Please remember to bring your calculators and your iPads (fully charged).
Would you ever think that your old shoes could help the Senior Class at Loyola College Prep? Well they can and here’s how. Our team is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell, all we need is your support and your old shoes. We are looking for friends to help support us by agreeing to collect as many pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes in the next 4 weeks. Here’s how you do it: Start in your family’s closets and gather pairs of shoes that you’ve outgrown, are out of style, or out of season. If you have 25 pairs, great, if not please ask your neighbors and/or co-workers to do the same. These shoes will help support our program as well as individuals in developing nations like Ghana, Haiti and Cambodia. You can drop them off at this location: LCP GYM FOYER COLLECTION BOX . Can we count on you? if you can’t collect 25, then try for 15, 10, or 5. Remember, every pair that you collect helps.
Mu Alpha Theta will be carving pumpkins in the Biology Lab at lunch today. Come by to help carve a pumpkin.
Volleyball (V/JV) today @ Green Oaks beginning at 5:00PM
SGA Junior Class is selling boo bags this week through Friday, October 20th for $2 CASH ONLY! Slips will be available in homeroom, and money and orders will be collected by the officers at lunch in the breezeway.
Want to win free Canes for a year? $5 a ball buys you the chance to throw a tennis ball during halftime at the game on October 20th. If your ball lands in the bucket on the field, you win free Canes chicken all year! Balls will be on sale on MySchoolBucks October 16-20th and before the game. Winner will receive 3 box combos a month for 12 months! Open to students and anyone attending the football game!
This Thursday, a representative from Ohio University will be on campus during lunch. Please stop by their table outside the cafeteria to learn more about the school. A representative from The University of Arkansas will be on campus Thursday, October 19 at 1:45. Juniors and seniors interested in attending this visit should register in Scoir. You must register at least 24 hours in advance to be excused from class.
Students must order lunch a week in advance via a Google form here: Week of 10.23.2023 – 10.27.2023. The deadline to order meals for the week is FRIDAY at 2:30pm. Funds will be deducted from the student/faculty My School Bucks account. **Orders are charged even if they are not picked up. ** Orders must be placed from the students Loyola Google account/email. Orders not picked up by the 2nd half of lunch will be made available for sale. If you will be late due a meeting, test, etc, please arrange to have your lunch picked up. Due to our vendor agreement with our Cafe provider, fast food or delivery are not allowed. Lunch should either be ordered from the Cafe, or brought from home. No exceptions.
SENIORS: You will be at retreat on Monday 10/23, do not order for this day.
Service Hour Opportunity - St. Mark’s is searching for volunteers to help at the Paw Print Sprint 5k
Date: October 28th
Time: 7:45-12:00 Location: St. Mark’s Cathedral School Sign up here!
Service Hour Opportunity -The Fairfield Elementary Fall Carnival needs student volunteers to work concessions and fill in at booths and games. The carnival is Friday Oct. 20 from 4-7 p.m. Students can sign up for an hour-long shift by texting/calling Mrs. Lane King at 318-470-3355
Seniors and Senior Parents: We have 38 students signed up for the Spring Break Senior European Trip- we have a few additional places available for students. We want anyone who wants to go on the trip to have an opportunity to go. If you have questions please contact Mrs. Lewis - 318-208-0092 or [email protected] or Mrs. Franks at [email protected].
If you need to contact WorldStrides to set up a payment plan their contact information is below:
Contact Info: Domestic and International Educational Travel 800-468-5899 or 434-326-9992 [email protected]
218 Water Street West, Suite 400
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Trip information:
Dates - March 8-March 17 to Venice, Florence, Rome and Athens!
Loyola Rosary Group - Every Wednesday at 1:30 pm the Loyola Rosary group will gather to pray for the needs and intentions of our school - our students, their families, the faculty, and administration as well as our community. All mothers, grandmothers, and alumni are welcome and encouraged to participate. Experience praying the rosary is not necessary, we especially welcome all first-timers. Meditating on the divine mercies gives us a chance to transcend daily stress and focus on God. Please consider lifting our school in prayer and join us for one, several or all gatherings on Wednesdays at 1:30 pm in the Residence Building Chapel. For more information about the prayer group, please contact Brandi Gaitan at (318) 510-3138. Prayer requests may also be emailed to [email protected]
Would you ever think that your old shoes could help the Senior Class at Loyola College Prep? Well they can and here’s how. Our team is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell, all we need is your support and your old shoes. We are looking for friends to help support us by agreeing to collect as many pairs of gently worn, used and new shoes in the next 4 weeks. Here’s how you do it:
Start in your family’s closets and gather pairs of shoes that you’ve outgrown, are out of style, or out of season. If you have 25 pairs, great, if not please ask your neighbors and/or co-workers to do the same. These shoes will help support our program as well as individuals in developing nations like Ghana, Haiti and Cambodia. You can drop them off at this location: LCP GYM FOYER COLLECTION BOX. Can we count on you? If you can’t collect 25, then try for 15, 10, or 5. Remember, every pair that you collect helps.
Purchase tickets for LCP athletic events online at GoFan!